Friday, October 25, 2013

Change the role of the POX controller (Master / Slave)

Use the openflow.nicira

Go inside the POX folder
$sudo python ./ py openflow.nicira forwarding.l2_learning

POX> import pox.openflow.nicira as nx
POX> for connection in core.openflow.connections:
 ...            connection.send(nx.nx_role_request(master="true"))


Two controllers are running in PC1 and PC2
PC1 controller requesting the Master role


  1. Nice work. Please do you know how to do this in Ryu controller or any other controller such as floodlight or Opendaylight. Thank you

  2. how can swtich send paquet -IN to one controller ??
    How can make to one controler receive packet-In and no both controlleur
